Post performance salary mechanism is the direction of salary system reform at state-owned enterprise; Research on Job Description Responsibility, Market Incentive and Performance Assessment in ICBC 岗位绩效工资制是国有企业工资制度改革的方向青岛工行人力资源岗位评价、绩效管理及薪酬激励机制改革研究
I send all my start-ups there to do their market assessment work because of the extraordinary range of online services and databases, he says. The Library is unique in the world in providing free access to these materials. 我把所有的初创企业派到那里,进行市场评估工作,因为那里的网络服务和数据库内容非常丰富,他表示,在向读者免费提供这些资料方面,大英图书馆在全球是独一无二的。
This study supports applicability of market segmentation for needs assessment of health promotion and health education. 本研究建议可运用市场区隔作为健康促进及卫生教育需求评估的工具。
Discussion On the Research of the New Drug Market Value and Its Assessment System 浅议新药市场价值与其评估体系的研究
Since the founding, YPEC bases on credit, serves the clients, follows the guidance of market, by assessment, the project qualified rate is100%. YPEC自成立以来,以诚信为本、服务客户为宗旨,以市场为导向,在所承担的所有工程项目中,经评定工程质量合格率100%。
Raised on the capital market safety assessment and contingency plans and measures to deal with. 提出对资本市场的安全评估和应急计划和措施来对付。
China's Stock Market Risk Assessment Model and Simulation Study 中国股票市场风险度评测模型与仿真研究
Also, the market power assessment system for generators was applied to judge market manipulation power of the generators'coalition. 根据发电商市场力评价体系判断发电商(联盟)的市场操纵力;
In the second hand car market, the price assessment of the old cars, the after sales service and the parts is what customers pay most attention to. 在二手车市场中,旧车的价格评估,售后服务和配件等要素是消费者最为看重的。
The Study on Market Value Assessment and Affective Factors of NBA Teams NBA球队市场价值评估及影响因素研究
The use of accurate and objective market assessment, customer service programs tailored to the property. 利用精准客观的市场评估,为客户量身打造物业服务方案。
An analysis on the blurred cognition of drug market value assessment 对药品上市价值评估模糊认识的分析和探讨
Then, the thesis establishes the model of market assessment, which can be used with the model of tourist resources development at the same time. 并从实践角度给出了旅游资源的市场评价模型,与旅游资源开发评价模型结合使用。
Study of market comparative method value assessment of target company in purchasing companies 公司收购中目标公司价值评估法研究
Empirical studies reveal that investor protection affects capital market assessment and cushion capacity in a country. 国外实证研究也显示,投资人保护力度会影响一国的资本市场估值水平及抗冲击能力。
The Unfathomable European Royalty On Several Problems in Royalty Market and Assessment 欧洲王室剪不断理还乱关于矿业权市场和矿业权评估中几个问题的探讨
The establishment of theories such as the hypothesis of an effective market and the stock assessment etc., have provided powerful arms for the study of financial affairs in modern corporations. 有效市场假设及证券估价等金融理论的建立为现代公司财务研究提供了强有力的武器,而估价理论本身已成为公司财务的基础性理论的一部分。
Chapter IV analyzes the theoretical thinking patterns of the market comparison assessment methodology, its actual applications and main existing problems. 第四章分析了市场比较评估法的理论思路、在实际当中的应用以及存在的主要问题。
Market demand assessment for aquatic feed 水产饲料市场需求预测
To promote the development of venture capital investment and strengthen the construction of technological trade market and technology assessment. 大力推进风险投资事业的发展;加强技术交易市场的建设和科技评估。
Study on information publishing and market assessment in electricity market surveillance 电力市场监管中的信息披露与市场评估
Comparison and analysis of several market power assessment indices for power generation company 几种发电商市场力评估指标的对比分析
The Lanzhou basic collective services even equalization evaluating indicator system should be an overall evaluation basic collective services nature and the characteristic, the Lanzhou market conditions, the assessment method and so on many kinds of factor evaluation systems. 兰州市基本公共服务均等化评价指标体系应该是一个综合考虑基本公共服务性质和特征、兰州市市情、评价方法等多种因素的测评系统。
As a currently transitable tax management in the international market, tax assessment focuses on the attitude, ability and situation of the taxpayer based on informatization. 纳税评估是以信息化为依托,对纳税人纳税态度、纳税能力、纳税情况的评价和核实,是目前国际上通行的税收管理方式。
We should perfect the scheme from the perspectives of capital market, policies and laws, corporate structure, manager market and performance assessment system. 从资本市场有效性、政策导向、公司治理结构、经理人市场、绩效评价体系等方面寻求完善方案。
For means of environmental cost assessment, market assessment is first, at the same time, obtaining assessment information, capital and time are main factor. 在环境代价评估方法的选择上,基于市场评估的方法应首先考虑,但方法的选择还受评估信息的可获得性、经费、时间等条件的约束。
As the focus of attention of participants in the bond market, credit risk assessment of the bonds issuing company has great influence on the interests of investors, bond market development, and the normal operation of the national economy. 对发债企业的信用风险的评估成为债券市场参与者关注的焦点,对信用风险的评估和控制不仅影响着投资者的利益,还关系着债券市场的健康发展,乃至国民经济的正常运行。
If the judgment based on the valuation model superior it based on the market value assessment, the lapse on the market. 如果基于计价模型的价值评价优于市场的判断,则说明市场的失效。
In particular, with respect to how to use Market Value assessment, we propose an assessment programs to put Market Value theory into practice. 尤其对于如何运用市值考核,设计出了一套市值考核方案,对市值考核思想予以运用。
Again, the market assessment of the law principle, the prerequisite of the application market analysis and elaboration. 再次,本文对市场法的的评估原理、应用市场法的前提条件进行了分析和阐述。